My Starter  recipe

My Starter

North Dumfries Twp., Canada


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
My Starter

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Since 2014



Off white in colour, consistency like pancake batter, holes (bubbles|) throughout. Doubles at room temp in approx. 8 hours, 6 hours in summer when room temp is 25*.

맛과 풍미


Starting ingredients

  • 100% Well water
  • 100% Hard white bread flour
  • % Lemon juice

Feeding ingredients

Weigh starter. Stir into starter 50% the weight of the starter: in warm water mixed with a few drops lemon juice, and the same amount by weight of hard white bread flour, for a total addition of 100% the weight of the starter. For example, to 100 g starter, add 50 g water, and 50 g bread flour.

Working method

50 g water, a couple of drop of lemon juice, and 50 g hard white bread flour. Feed every 12 hours and keep at room temp (approx 21-25* C) until starter is doubling in size at every feeding.
100% Well water 100% Hard white bread flour % Lemon juice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library