
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

Since 2011

I love cooking and making bread


If I make whole breads or breads with high hydration rate and long fermentation time I like to ue my sourdough starter when it's young because we don't like a tangy flavour on the bread. When I make sweet breads (like panettone, brioche, cozonac...) I use solid starter (store in water at 50-60% hydration) and feed it 2 or 3 times (every 3 hours at 30 ºC) before using it.

맛과 풍미


Starting ingredients

  • 50g Starter
  • 50g Flour
  • 25g Water

Feeding ingredients

  • 50g Starter
  • 50g Flour
  • 50g Water
Take it out from the fridge (I usually make bread on the weekend when I don't have to go to work and my schedule is more flexible) and feed them. It depends on the bread I want to prepare I use solid or liquid starter. If I use liquid starter,(for example 50 grams) I normally feed it with 50 grams of flour + 50 grams of water (or sometimes fruit fermented water) and let i rest until it doubles.
50g Starter 50g Flour 50g Water

Working method

For whole breads or breads with high hydration rate, I use solid starter. I take for example 50 grams ofmy starter and feed it with 50 grams of flour + 25 grams of water andlet it rest until it doubles
50g Starter 50g Flour 25g Water



Sweet bread made for Christmas time
submama Panettone first overview
submama Panettone second overview
submama Panettone second slice


Sourdough croissants
submama Croissants first overview
submama Croissants second overview
submama Croissants first slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library
