
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2016 이후

I have been in Iceland for some work experience abroad as a pastry chef in a small family bakery. I've been very interested in the artisan bread they made and so I got the opportunity to work as a baker for 6 month before I headed back home. As a good by gift I got my first starter, which is probably over a hundred years old, but I myself started baking in 2016.


My sourdough is creamy, lightly couloured, storng and ferments really quickly. It has hardly any acidic sourness, therefore a lot of lactic sourness, so you can use it for mild bread, especially wheat bread, and also sourdough brioche and other sweet pastries,in which you can substitute the yeast, that is traditionally used with sourdough.

맛과 풍미


시작하는 원료

  • 30g Enkir
  • 40g Sourmilk


  • 30g Enkir
  • 40g Sourmilk
I always use 40g sourmilk and 30g enkir flour to feed my sourdough.
30g Enkir 40g Sourmilk


My sourdough consists of enkir flour and sourmilk. No water is used. Since I am a pastry chef I don't get to bake bread professionally, but I constantly bake it at home for my family. That's why I keep my sourdough in the fridge so it does not get too big or too fast.
30g Enkir 40g Sourmilk

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library