Persi-Rose recipe


Carlton, Stati Uniti d'America


Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2016

10 years I cooked a lot with sourdough,but the recipes also used yeast. Following the group Perfect Sourdough on FaceBook challenged me to try it again but with NO yeast


As I am still learning, I generally make a tartine loaf. Proofed on the hearth with heater on. stretch and fold 4 times aproximately 30 minutes apart. I put it in a dutch oven from the start with cornmeal on the bottom It stays here for the day on the hearth. Then into the refrigerator for 12-24 hours. Score then straight to oven 500 degrees for 25 min lid on, Lid off another 25-40 min until done

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

When feeding: 50 gr flour mix and equal amount 50 gr fermented water twice daily.

Metodo di lavorazione

This summer I fermented rose water. This was the start of the starter. Mixed with 92 % AP flour, 2 % rye and 5% whole wheat flour. Now using fermented persimmon water.

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