Depuis 2018
I found out about sourdough when Anita Sumer published her book here in Slovenia. This bread is very healthy and i decided to try it because my husband has health problems if he eats bread from the shop. He has no problem eating fresh bread from sourdough. Now I bake almost every second day. And I love it.
My Zvonko is realy creamy starter with very nice yogurth smell. I love the colour of it, which is greenish. When I feed Zvonko he will be ready in about 8 hrs. He needs feeding twice a week.
Goût et saveur
Ingrédients de base
- 20g Rye
- 20g Water
- 20g Rye
- 20g Water
- 30g Rye
- 30g Water
- 30g Rye
- 30g Water
- 30g Rye
- 30g Water
- 30g Rye
- 30g Water
Ingrédients pour nourrir le levain
- 25g Rye
- 25g Water
I'm feeding my starter withy rye flour and filter water.
25g Rye
25g Water
After feeding i leave it on kitchen counter for about one and half hour and then i put it to the fridge.
Méthode de travail
On first day I mixed well together rye flour and water in a glass jar. I allways use filter water. I mixed two more times that day and i mixed for minute to minute and the half. After every mix I put on the jar lid but i didn't closed it. I left jar on the counter.
20g Rye
20g Water
On second day I added again rye flour and water. And I also mixed it twice as i did on first day. I put lid on a jar and left it on a counter.
20g Rye
20g Water
On third day i add rye and water just this time little bit more from previous day. I mixed it twice during day. In the jar you could allready see some activitiy and there was allready little sour smell.
30g Rye
30g Water
On fourth day I first took away half of the starter in the making. I made some pancakakes from it.
Then I added rye flour and water and mixed it well. I mixed it two times during the day and everytime i left it on the counter.
30g Rye
30g Water
On fifth day was allready a lot of bubbles in the starter. I added rye flour and water. And I also mixed it twice as i did every day. I put lid on a jar and left it on a counter.
30g Rye
30g Water
Sixth day was my last day of creating starter. There were allready so many bubbles and smell was realy nice, little sour, it remind me on the yogurth.
I added rye flour and water. I mixed twice during the day.
30g Rye
30g Water
I realy love baking and I became sourdough addict. I bake few times per week, from bread, cookies to cakes.