
Líquida Harina Otros

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desde 2023

I needed to escape the negative mental space of just being a mom and wife. I needed to be good in something that is going to give me a challenge and allow my mind to process something other than activities and dinners. Sourdough has became a new passion for me, and I am very passionate about it so far!


She's lazy in the cold and eager with a heater pad under her bottom. She has an amazing balanced flavour, yet can easily be mistreated for a bit of a more sour taste. Her discard gives life to every day dishes such as onion rings, brownies, sandwich loaves and vetkoek (South African dish similar to fry bread). Her bread is amazing so far, my skill is just lacking still.


Marietjie  rising shot


Ingredientes de partida

  • 100g Bread flour
  • 100g Water
  • 100g Starter

ingredientes de alimentación

  • 100g Water
  • 100g Bread flour
Discard started completely, add tepid tap water, stir. Add flour and stir until combined. Return 300g into warmed glass bottle, give a solid motivational talk and place in the microwave.
100g Water 100g Bread flour

método de trabajo

Marietjie is a 100% Hydration starter (1:1:1), strong in flavour and pleasant smell. Rises well in ideal temperatures, and slower in South African winter.
100g Bread flour 100g Water 100g Starter


Seeded Sourdough bread

Marietjie  Seeded Sourdough bread first overview
Marietjie  Seeded Sourdough bread second overview

Sourdough bread

Marietjie  Sourdough bread first overview
Marietjie  Sourdough bread second overview

Sourdough Pizza

Marietjie  Sourdough Pizza first overview

Sourdough Pancakes

Marietjie  Sourdough Pancakes first overview

Preserva tu masa madre para el futuro

Añade tu masa madre Explora la biblioteca