
Flüssigkeit Mehl Weitere

Bewahren Sie Ihren Sauerteig für die Zukunft auf

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seit 2020


Charakteristische Eigenschaften

A strong girl just like the country she is coming from!

Geschmack und Aroma

Sinai top shot


Zutaten für den Starter

  • 50g Wholewheat
  • 50g Tap water

Zutaten für die Auffrischung

  • 30g Sinai
  • 50g Wheat
  • 45g Water
After she was ready i started feeding with All Purpose flour as its easier to buy. the temperature in my kitchen is very variable as the house is very badly insulated. It ranges from 17°C or less in winter to 37 in summer. I didnt bake last year after the roomtemp was more than 32°C. I keep Sinai in the fridge and feed once a week if i dont bake, which is very much appreciated by her.
30g Sinai 50g Wheat 45g Water


I started with 50g of egyptian wholewheat flour and 50g water. She was fed 3 days with the same amounts. On the 4th I took 30g off of her and fed her with 50g wholeweat and 50g water. I countinued this way for another 6 days and she was ready to recieve the name Sinai.
50g Wholewheat 50g Tap water


White Bread

65% Hydration oliveoil
Sinai White Bread first overview
Sinai White Bread second overview
Sinai White Bread first slice


to good to be described didnt survive the night
Sinai Laugenbreadrolls first overview
Sinai Laugenbreadrolls second overview
Sinai Laugenbreadrolls first slice

Bewahren Sie Ihren Sauerteig für die Zukunft auf

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