Breadadict Crumberbatch recipe

Breadadict Crumberbatch

Blue Point, Estados Unidos


Líquido Farinha Outro
Breadadict Crumberbatch

Preserve sua Fermentação Natural para o futuro

Create your own Explore sourdough library

desde 2018

Always wanted to try my hand at baking bread.


Currently using it regularly to prepare pre-ferments very successfully. Soon expanding to asian recipes and other varieties of bread. Very excited.


Breadadict Crumberbatch top shot
Breadadict Crumberbatch front shot


Ingredientes iniciais

  • 100% Unbleached ap flour
  • 100% Water
  • 100% Love
  • 100% Unbleached ap flour
  • 100% Water

Ingredientes para alimentar

  • 100% Unbleached ap flour
  • 100% Water
Feed and leave out for proximate baking, or feed and leave in refrigerator for slower ripening. No harm in either circumstance.
100% Unbleached ap flour 100% Water

Método de trabalho

Equal parts Flour and Water. Nothing special.
100% Unbleached ap flour 100% Water 100% Love
Rest for 24 hours. Repeat for 2 days.
Discard between 1/3 and 1/2 of starter, feed with flour and water equaling removed portion (i.e. discarded 200g; feed 100g Flour and 100g Water). Repeated from 5-10 days, depending on temperature and flow.
100% Unbleached ap flour 100% Water
Once Starter is thriving (expect it to take 8-15 days); two options: 1. Leave at room temp and feed daily as describe in step 3; or 2. Leave in refrigerator and feed every 4-6 days (be vigilant however, may require more frequent feeding).
So long as starter continues to thrive, can then use discarded portions to create variety of new starters/recipe -- stiff starter, crackers, flatbreads, etc. Or share it with friends.

Preserve sua Fermentação Natural para o futuro

Create your own Explore sourdough library