
Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2017

sourdough experıment 2017 Rob Dunn & Puratos


Rukiye has a creamy brown colour. She doubles in size after a couple of hours and is very active.

Sapore e aroma

Rukiye top shot
Rukiye jar shot
Rukiye front shot
Rukiye rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • g Flour and water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

Keep the starter in the fridge when you are not using him. Feed once a week with flour and water to keep the applesauce consistency. (100 g flour 80g water)

Metodo di lavorazione

Rukiye is created for an experiment we are conducting in collaboration with Prof. Rob Dunn and Prof. Anne Madden from the university of North Carolina. 16 bakers in 15 countries received the same flour and protocol to create a new sourdough. These sourdoughs will be analyzed on the different micro-organisms. Also the bakers hands and saliva. Comparisons will show the relationship.
g Flour and water

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