
Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2017

I am retired and I was looking for a new hobby. I read an article about the benefits of sourdough and decided to try it out. I love seeing my starter bubble up and my husband and I enjoy the bread products the starter produces.


Because of the flour blend in the starter it rises well and doubles within 4 hours. The bread has a slight tang, not strong, but I like the taste of the flour blend.

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 50g Filtered water
  • 20g White bread flour
  • 15g Whole wheat flour
  • 15g Rye flour

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 15g Sourdough starter
  • 50g Filtered water
  • 50g Flour mixture
Start with about 15g of starter.
15g Sourdough starter
Add and stir in filtered water.
50g Filtered water
Add in my flour mixture of 1/3 white bread flour, 1/3 whole wheat flour, and 1/3 rye flour. I keep this blend in a covered container and I use it this way each time.
50g Flour mixture
Blend all ingredients well so that there is no dry flour. Clean the side of the container and cover with a loose lid.

Metodo di lavorazione

To create this starter you need filtered water, whole wheat flour, white bread flour and rye flour. Start with the water.
50g Filtered water
To the water add the white bread flour.
20g White bread flour
Next add the whole wheat flour.
15g Whole wheat flour
Lastly add the rye flour.
15g Rye flour


Glory  first overview
Glory  second overview

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