Canyon Bread  recipe

Canyon Bread

SANTA MONICA, Stati Uniti d'America


Liquido Farina Altro
Canyon Bread

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dal 2017

I have been baking bread on and off for years. I had Chad Robertson’s book, Tartine Bread, and one day I decided to finally read it. His love affair with bread inspired me.


My sourdough is a bit moody. Sometimes, it sites nicely in its jar but sometimes it escapes. It is primarily white flour and makes the most beautiful bread. It was born in December, 2017.

Sapore e aroma

Canyon Bread  top shot
Canyon Bread  jar shot
Canyon Bread  front shot
Canyon Bread  rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

Ingredienti per il rinfresco


Metodo di lavorazione



Sourdough Boyle

White, wheat and spelt flour
Canyon Bread  Sourdough Boyle  first overview
Canyon Bread  Sourdough Boyle  second overview
Canyon Bread  Sourdough Boyle  first slice

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