1847 Oregon trail sourdough starter recipe

1847 Oregon trail sourdough starter

San Lorenzo, Stati Uniti d'America


Liquido Farina Altro
1847 Oregon trail sourdough starter

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dal 2014

I like to procrastiferment


Lively and bullet proof. Can survive months in the fridge, freezing/thawing and dehydration/rehydration. Works well at higher and lower hydrations. Has a subtle sourness that can be adjusted with a longer ferment.

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 60g Water
  • 60g All purpose flour

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

Roughly stir together water, flour, and original starter. Lumps and uneven consistency is fine. Leave at room temperature. Feed 1-2 times a day at room temp or whenever you remember in the fridge. I went 3 months without feeding and it revived in several feedings. Starter also tolerates freezing/thawing and dehydrating well

Metodo di lavorazione

Measure equal parts water (filtered or tap) and all purpose flour by weight
60g Water
60g All purpose flour

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