Basic Sourdough recipe

Basic Sourdough

Scottsdale, Vereinigte Staaten


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Basic Sourdough

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seit 2017

I have been baking bread for years but never had the time to focus on learning and maintaining a sourdough starter. I have played with them in the past but never seriously.

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

A simple sourdough starter of 77 degree F unchlorinated spring water (96 grams), unbleached all purpose flour (57 grams), whole rye flour (57 grams) and molasses (4 grams). It take one week to develop. Recipe from Richard Miscovich.

Geschmack und Aroma

Basic Sourdough top shot
Basic Sourdough jar shot
Basic Sourdough front shot


Zutaten für den Starter

Zutaten für die Auffrischung

Feed daily. Stir starter well. Take 100 grams starter and mix with 100 grams all-purpose flour and 77 degree water until smooth. Wait 6 to 8 hours after feeding to use in bread dough.


Mix 77 degree F unclorinated spring water (96 grams), with 57 grams of whole rye flour, 57 grams of unbleached all-purpose flour, and 4 grams of molasses in a nonrecative container. Cover with plastic and leave at room temperature (77 degrees F) for 24 hours.
Day 2 - Mix together 96 grams of 77 degree F water, 108 grams of day 1 starter, 57 grams of rye flour, and 57 grams of all-purpose flour. Toss remaining day 1 starter.
Day 3 - 7. Every 12 hours mix 159 grams of previous day's starter, 140 grams 77 degree F water and 167 grams all purpose flour. Starter should be ready on day 7. Toss remaining starter.

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